Tuesday 26 July 2011

Green- is a symbol of spring and the renewal of life. After a long, cold winter the gardens and the landscape comes to life in every hue of green imaginable. If we recycle and care about the nature around us, we're living green.

It is also a soothing color. Hospital rooms are often painted green for its calming effect on patients and their anxious visitors.

In the Middle Ages, brides often wore green on their wedding day as a symbol of fertility.

Green- is a cool, refreshing color.

Emeralds are one of the most prized of the precious gemstones.

But there is another side of green.

There is the green-eyed monster named envy. It can rear its ugly head and wreak havoc in the blink of an eye.
And then there is money, the ever popular greenbacks. Nothing will bring the green-eyed monster to the surface faster than that.

(Green Apple)


(Rubbish Bin)

(Green Fly)
A Dirty Environment

(Green Goo)

(Green Light)


(Green Leisure Suit)


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